May 5, 2017

5 Reasons To Kick Start A Career In Aged Care

Aged care workers are arguably the backbone of Australian health.

Leading the way in professional health care support, aged care workers make a valuable contribution to the daily lives of many elderly Australians living in residential aged care facilities. Offering constant personal, physical and emotional support and round-the-clock care to enhance the quality of life to older people, aged care workers are often considered heroes in disguise.

In Australia the aged care industry is thriving; offering thousands of new job opportunities and employment prospects each year. According to My Aged Care, in 2012 there were an estimated 352,100 employees in the aged care sector working in residential and aged care facilities. The Australian Bureau of Statistics expects this number to grow to around 827,100, predicting that at least 1 in every 5 people in Australia will be aged 65 or older in just a few decades.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity with great employment prospects, studying an aged care training course will help you secure employment and begin a rewarding lifelong profession.

Take a look at the 5 benefits studying a qualification like Certificate III in Individual Support and see how a career as an aged care worker could change your life:


1. Aged care workers are in high demand

A report released by Griffith University in mid-2015 found that aged care workers were to become the most in demand health care sector workers in Australia.

Fast forward to today and it couldn’t be truer. Head researcher Professor Wendy Moyle from Griffith’s Centre for Health Practice Care Innovation explained Australia’s ageing population as the reason for the increased demand in aged care workers and support services, including gerontology nurses and residential aged care managers.

“Along with the age increase comes a greater focus on the healthcare complexities and comorbidities that are representative of this demographic.

“Nurses that specialise in gerontology nursing will see a huge number of job opportunities open up to them such as nurse practitioners, community aged care managers, dementia and chronic disease nurse specialists and residential aged care managers in nursing homes,” Professor Moyle says. Professor Wendy Moyle, Aged Care Guide.

Despite this, there is a current shortage of aged care workers who are wanting to work in aged care. When compared to other speciality health care areas, there is a noticeable lack of people who focus on the ageing Australian population.

Because the aged care sector is Australia’s largest and fastest growing industry, with a shortage of qualified workers, there are many career opportunities for people who are seeking employment. Once qualified, many aged care workers are able to secure employment in aged care homes and residential facilities shortly after course completion.

2. It’s rewarding

A career in aged care means you get to experience the personal satisfaction of knowing that you are doing a job that genuinely makes a difference in someone’s life. Not only are you making your clients life more comfortable, you are also easing the pressure of surrounding family and friends by taking part in their ongoing care.

As an aged care worker you get to empower those who feel powerless by helping them do the things they want and need to do.

What could be better than that?

In addition to developing memorable and meaningful relationships you will also find a new appreciation for human perseverance. Growing old is not easy, so it is important to promote a good quality of life in old age care homes. Doing so will lead to career in aged care that is both emotionally and financially rewarding.


3. A little goes along way

An aged care worker is many things; a carer, a support network, a listener but most importantly, a friend.

Aside from all the personal ageing care responsibilities like assisting in showering, dressing, eating walking and dispensing medication, an aged care worker can also make a significant difference in someone’s life by providing friendship or comradery.

Enjoying a cup of tea and sharing life stories and experiences at the end of the day is an invaluable source of nourishment and care.  Share in their experiences and promote good quality of life by simply being a friend. It is that easy.


4. Work in a supportive team environment

Aged care staff work together in a tight knit team to ensure all clients are receiving the best care possible. Together they all share the same goal and are dedicated to understanding the individual physical, emotional and personal needs of each elderly client in their respective aged care home.

Being a part of a team is rewarding and provides for great interactive skills. Learning how to become a reliable, flexible and cooperative team member by studying an aged care training course will help you adopt skills that can be applied across multiple health care professions.

Not only are your colleagues extremely supportive but so are the environments your clients create! Many perceive nursing homes, retirement’s villages, residential care facilities and old age homes to be of a dark and somewhat depressing nature. It is in fact the complete opposite! Aged care homes are bursting with positive attitudes (both from staff and the elderly; many current age care workers finding clients childish and carefree nature heart-touching), fun loving attitudes and excitement.

5. Flexible career options

Studying an aged care course and learning a multitude of skills like; how to facilitate the interests and rights of clients and empowerment of older people, facilitate individual service planning and strategies to meet personal needs – coordinating services for older people including supporting independence, well-being and relationships with carers and delivering care services using a palliative approach, you will be well qualified for a career in aged care.

Upon completion of an aged care qualification there are many employment opportunities available. For example you could become a:

  • Aged Care Activity Worker
  • Care Service Team Leader
  • Care Supervisor (Aged Care)



Join Australia’s fastest growing industry today! Start your journey to become a qualified aged care worker by  speaking to a Course Advisor, call us on 1300 236 364 or email us at info@queensford.edu.au

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