March 2, 2017

How To: Choose your Dream Course!

Choosing to study is a major investment in your future. It is, undoubtedly, a life changing decision that will most likely shape who are you as a person. Studying also requires a lot of time and money – all of which could be wasted on the wrong course. Choosing where and how to study is also another problem many students face, not to mention career outcomes, personal commitments and fear of failure. With endless study options out there it is easy to become overwhelmed or think choosing the right course is totally impossible.

Good news is you can stress less. Whether you are a school leaver looking to kick start a career or a professional seeking further qualifications in your industry this course study checklist will help you pick the perfect course that ticks all the right boxes.

Below is a guide to set you off in the right direction and right at the end you’ll find a free checklist download to use against your dream qualification!

1. Ask Yourself These 2 Questions

Before you even think about picking up a course guide you must ask yourself these 2 questions!

  • What am I passionate about?

Okay, so, pinpointing what you love to do is easier said than done. But it is absolutely, without a doubt, the single most important thing you need to know in order to begin a successful career. As Steve Jobs once explained “You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Start by making a list of all the things you find yourself doing in your free time. How do you spend your mornings before work? What do you do each evening? Where do you go most Friday nights? This will help you find where your passions lie.

  • Can I turn this into a career?

This is where it gets a little bit tough. Can you make money doing what you love? Can you turn your passion into a profession? A hobby into a career? Maybe your passion already exists within a professional industry e.g.: love to draw? Have you considered becoming an architect? Go to the gym every afternoon? Could you become a personal trainer? Enjoy looking after your Nana on the weekend? You might be great as an aged care worker.

This will help you identify a career you might be interested in – or already unknowingly love!


2. What Courses Exist?

Take this new found information and start searching!

Jump online and research any educational institutes you’re interested in, or know who offers the course you are interested in. Once you have found a course consider the course outline; content, semester outline, prerequisites, specialisations, learning outcomes and possible career options. Take a look at the courses offered at Queensford College here.

What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it? What could be better? Repeat this search again across different colleges. Do it as many times as you need until you find a course you 100 per cent love!


3. What Is The Study Load Like?

Consider your personal commitments. Do you work? Have to babysit your siblings? Play football every Wednesday? If so, is the course study load flexible? Is it offered as a full time or part time course? What if it’s an intensive fast-tracked course? Is that something you can see yourself doing? What is the course duration?

Understanding how much time you have to study is a simple but effective way of figuring out what pace you need to choose to study at. You need to be practical. In order for this step to be successful, you also need to be realistic about your time management and organisational skills.

4. How Will I Be Assessed?

Do you feel more confident taking exams or completing assignments? Will there be oral presentations, group projects or placements? Comparing course assessment structure is vital and shouldn’t be overlooked.

If the only summative assessments in a course are exams, which you know you don’t perform very well in, consider looking at different study options. Be sure to pick a course with an assessment structure that plays to your strengths not to your weaknesses.

5. What Are The Course Fees?

Deciding to study and achieve a qualification in any field is expensive.

But honestly, it’s worth it. Haven’t you heard – “knowledge is power.”  Sir Francis Bacon, 1957.

Most educational institutes have a number of options to assist students from all different financial situations to make course payments. Most course fees can be paid in person at the college, over the phone, automatic payments or credit card.

Be sure to also check out if the course is supported by government study loan schemes like HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP or VET Student Loan. These schemes are a part of the Higher Education Loan Program and are there to assist students with the cost of their fees.

Depending on your circumstances you might be eligible for one of these government supported places. For further information click here.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to enquire about the price of any additional study costs like textbooks or other learning materials and resources.


6. Do They Offer Student Service Support?

Student services are amazing.

Ever been stuck on a topic you just didn’t understand? Needed last minute help with an assessment? Or maybe just some career counselling or advice? Not to mention tips on managing stress, time and organisational skills. Student services are there to help every step of the way.

Known for enhancing student growth and development, student’s services is a great tool which is offered at most educational institutes. But just to be safe, make sure student services is 24/7 and available at your potential place of study.

7. Where Will This Qualification Take Me?

At the end of the day, above all, will this qualification land you your dream job? What are the career prospects after graduating? Is it enough training? Will you need to take more courses? Are you going to be certified?

Make sure you know the answer to this question before you invest in studying any course!


Are you looking for a course that will help you launch your dream career? View our full course list here. You can also call 1300 236 364 to speak with any of our Course and Career Consultants. Just in case you missed it download the “Find My Dream Course Checklist” to use against your dream qualification!

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