February 22, 2017

How Studying In Australia Will Change Your Life

Choosing to study internationally at an Australian college or university will shape the way you look at the world forever.

Boasting some of the best educational facilities, online study courses and exchange programs in the world it is not hard to believe that the ABC just announced Australia was ranked within the top 10 Most International Universities for International students in 2017.

Deciding to take the plunge and study abroad in Australia is an exciting adventure not everyone gets to take. Here are 6 reasons why studying in Australia will be the best decision you ever made; and how it will give you a professional edge, a new sense of self-awareness and valuable life-long friends!

1. You’ll Become A Global Citizen

A global citizen is described as someone who “identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices” Ronald C. Israel, Kosmos Journal. Ultimately, it is someone who recognises, understands and respects global cultural diversity and equality.

The Human Rights Commission says Australia is known for its diverse, multi-cultural population with one in four of Australia’s 22 million people being born overseas. This rich, cultural diversity is considered one of Australia’s greatest strengths and is central to our national identity; values and way of life. Choosing to study in a multi-cultural society, such as Australia, will open your eyes to a range of different cultures, religions and beliefs (some you didn’t even know existed!)

In Australia, international celebrations like the Chinese New Year and Saint Patrick Day are recognized and celebrated each year. In addition, hundreds of different festivals celebrating Greek, Indian, African, European and South-East-Asian cultures are held nation-wide. All of these festivals showcase the countries local food, music and dancing and encourage everyone to come along. Emerging yourself in Australia’s national celebration of multiculturalism whilst studying at an Australian university will give you a perspective like no other. Studying internationally will help you become a more compassionate, understanding and culturally aware person.

2. You’ll Make Life-long Mates From All Over The World

Aussie mate ship is a real thing! Not only are Australians super friendly but they’re also always keen to make new friends!

Without a doubt, the new mates you make in class or whilst studying will become your new family! It’s not unlikely that you’ll end up settling into living, studying and potentially working in Australia together. Offering to help each other with advice and support is important – you’ll need it! Studying abroad isn’t easy to begin with but is well worth it.

Consolidating these friendships whilst studying internationally means you’ll have friends from all over the world. This means you could have a friend in New Zealand to take you skiing, a pal in Washington D.C to show you around the White House or a buddy to sip lattes with under the Eiffel Tower!

Know that if you ever return to Australia, the mates you made who live there will always be ready to host you and show you around the wider area or recommend places to visit.


3. Improve Your Written and Verbal Communication Skills

Master the English language by studying abroad!

What better way to learn or consolidate your English skills then by living in an English speaking country and having English speaking friends. Moving to Australia to study will enhance these written and verbal skills as you will come into contact with more English speaking people.

Freely communicating with other students, teachers, check-out staff, bus drivers and tourists will help you practice your English in a safe and understanding environment.

Being bi-lingual will also help open doors to different career opportunities. A proficiency in English along with good communication and team building skills are highly sought after in the workforce. According to FluentU, leaders in foreign language education, this is because many businesses have international offices and are in need of employees who can speak multiple languages and handle onhealthy.net different cultural expectations.

Give yourself a professional boost by taking an English language course for international students!

4. Learn How To Become Independent

The most overwhelming – life changing – lesson of all!

Leaving your home and moving halfway across the world is the ultimate test of self-reliance and independence, but living and working abroad whilst studying at an Australian university or college will give you the confidence to tackle anything life has to throw at you.

Like anyone, once you start living in a new country you will be faced with many changes that will take time to adjust to. It may take some time to get used to cooking, cleaning and picking up after yourself, or learning how to navigate around your new host city.

Even making new friends might be hard. All of this may be very daunting – and a times you might feel like you want to give up – but if you keep going you’ll find out a lot of cool stuff about yourself, and how you handle difficult situations. Many students find they return home more mature after learning how to be on their own for the first time.

A major test in self-prevalence, studying at an Australia university is a time to reflect on the person you are, and who you’d like to become.


5. Develop An Acquired Taste For Some Odd Flavours

It’s no secret Australian food is like no other! Known to disgust most foreigners, Australia has quite a few foods that only Australians seem to like….

Vegemite, milo, kangaroo snags, Anzac biscuits, burgers with beetroot and Chiko rolls are just a few of the foods you’ll be encouraged to taste at least once during your time in Australia (especially since the Chiko roll – a deep fried cabbage roll found at every take away store – is an Australian student staple).

Milo – chocolate malt mixed with milk – and vegemite – a thick black paste made from yeast extract; are national treasures. Many Australians refuse to leave the country without them. Trust us, they’ll definitely change your life!

Aside from these unique – and widely talked about popular Australian snacks – you will also be able to indulge in some gloriously delicious Australian favourites like: Tim tams, Bowen mangos, Arnott’s shapes, smashed avocado on toast, fresh prawns and Pavlovas!

6. You’ll Receive The Best Education

As previously mentioned by the ABC, Australia was officially ranked within the Top 10 Most International Universities in the world – ACT’s Australian National University (ANU) coming 7th (in between the UK’s prestigious Oxford and Cambridge universities which came 6th and 8th). Australian universities and online colleges are considered world class – and international students know it!

The most recent report by the Australian Education Department, Higher Education and Research Facts and Figures, showed that 400,000 foreign students undertook courses in Australian Universities in 2015. This accumulated to 28% of the total student population! The report found that currently there are over 32,000 international students studying in Adelaide. This is hoped to reach over 64,500 international students by the end of 2017 after the introduction of educational programs that; link students to local businesses for internships and a campaign that explains the benefits of employing an international graduate.

In Sydney, international education has grown by more than 30,000 students in just two years earning a third of Australia’s total educational earnings which is estimated to be around $21 billion per year. Finally, Brisbane is Australia’s most inclusive study destination – known for its warm welcome to international students, low-crime rates, safety, beautiful weather and cheap cost of living. Receiving the best quality education at an Australian educational institution will open your career options and kick-start your professional journey.


Become a qualified chef, aged care worker, business manager or accountant at Queensford College. Take a look at our range of courses here. For more information, email us at info@queensford.edu.au. Or if you prefer to speak to a Course Advisor, call us on 1300 236 364.

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