June 11, 2024

How to Get and Stay Organised: A Guide for Nursing Students

It’s time to be real for a minute. Being a nursing student is tough. You’re juggling between coursework, clinical, studying for exams, and maybe even a part-time job. Trying to be on top of everything can feel like a circus act – and that’s on top of remembering your mum’s birthday, or a hangout plan with your mates.

Some studies indicate that feelings of incompetence (which could stem from disorganisation) may heighten your stress levels and lower your academic performance. But the good news is, you don’t have to feel scattered or incompetent anymore. Organisation is absolutely a skill that can be learned and mastered.

Good organisation skills are your ticket to surviving college and beyond, leading to a better time management and productivity. But building the habit of organisation isn’t a walk in the park. That’s where this guide comes in handy. It’s packed with simple tips and tricks you can start using right away to get started on prioritising your tasks and improving your academic performance. The end game? You’ll be equipped to handle the demands of studying nursing and be poised for success in your professional career.


How to Get and Stay Organised: A Guide for Nursing Students

10 Steps to Mastering Organisation in Nursing School

Though it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, mastering organisation as a nursing student is crucial if you want to manage your time well and succeed in your academic journey. With the right tools and strategies, getting organised is totally doable.

Yes, it will take work and commitment, but eventually these strategies become habits, and habits are what ultimately determine the trajectory of your life and career.

In this part, we’ll explore 10 simple tips to help you create a solid system for handling your tasks and schedule. With these tips, you’ll be all to crush your goals and become the awesome student and nurse you want to be.

1. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

Creating a schedule that works for you is a big part of getting organised. When you plan your day well, you can figure out what tasks are most important and make the most of your time. Marking important deadlines on a calendar, whether it’s on your phone or in a physical planner, and setting small deadlines along the way, you can spot where tasks overlap and figure out what needs to be done early to avoid last-minute rushes.

Without this planning, it’s hard to organise and prioritise your to-do list effectively. Without a daily schedule, you might end up double booking your appointments, running late to class, missing out on social events because you’re still working on an assignment or realising you’ve skipped your workout again because you’re just too busy.

2. Fail to Plan = Plan to Fail

You know that saying “fail to plan = plan to fail”? Well, it’s especially true when you’re studying nursing. Not planning ahead can lead to procrastination, missed deadlines, and scrambling at the last minute. So, take a moment to map out what you need to do, how you’ll do it, and what supplies you’ll need. 

Starting a new unit? Make sure to jot down notes, even if it’s just from chatting with your instructor. Heading straight to work after class? Don’t forget your uniform and anything else you’ll need for your shift. Planning ahead ensures you won’t have to delay starting an assignment (or risk missing a deadline) just because you’re missing something crucial. 

3. Schedule Your Planning Time

Going back to point number 1, setting aside specific time to plan your day is crucial. Whether you do it in the morning or before bedtime, find a routine that suits you and stick with it. Dedicate this time to your planner or calendar, whichever method helps you organise your day best. Consistency is key here, but trust us, investing in this time daily will pay off in spades.

4. Make To-do Lists

Sounds so old school, but to-do lists are super handy for keeping track of your tasks and staying on top of things. By jotting down everything you need to do, you can figure out what’s most important and make sure nothing slips your mind. Plus, there’s something really satisfying about checking items as you finish them.

If you’re to-do list feels overwhelming, try organising it by week, category (like school or personal stuff), or priority level (what absolutely has to get done versus what can wait). This can make it feel more manageable and less daunting.

5. Be Realistic About Your Schedule

One thing that is super important is to be realistic when you’re planning your day. Setting unrealistic expectations of yourself and overcommitting by scheduling too much into too little time can lead to burnout and knock your self-esteem. Instead, be mindful of how much time you actually have, and tailor your tasks and goals to fit that timeframe.  

6. Create Consistency With Routines

There’s an old saying, “Your habits shape your future”, it’s totally true. Building good habits and sticking to a daily routine that works for you is key to bringing order and stability into your life and paving the way for success.

Nurses carry a great amount of responsibility. As you finish your course and enter the workforce, demonstrating consistent organisation and reliability to your colleagues can you their trust and open doors for future opportunities and career growth.

7. Designated Space for All The Things

It seems so simple but assigning specific space for things and giving everything its own place, whether that’s a physical space for digital, is a game-changer for staying organised.

Whether it’s your notebooks and textbooks, your files on Google Drive or OneDrive, your phone apps, or even your keys and your scrubs, having designated spaces for everything makes life so much easier.

8. Set Alarms and Reminders

It’s incredibly easy to lose track of time, especially when you’ve got a million things on your plate. Using alarms and reminders can be a lifesaver for keeping you on track and ensuring you don’t forget anything important.

Got a Zoom call at 10am? Set an alarm for 9:50 so you have a few minutes to find the link. Need to pick up a few groceries? Set a calendar reminder to pop up 30 minutes before your usual grocery store run time.

Being punctual for your Zoom call and avoiding an extra trip to the store can help your day run more smoothly.

9. Designate A Distraction-free Study Space

Your study area plays a big role in keeping distractions at bay and staying organised. Set aside a specific spot just for work. Not only does this help you stay concentrated, it also sends a signal to your brain that it’s time to study because we’re sitting in the place where only study gets done.

Once you’re done studying, tidy up your place and shift to a different spot in the room to unwind. This separation can help you mentally switch gears from work to relaxation.

10. Don't Forget to Have Fun (Schedule Fun, That Is)

As a final reminder, being organised isn’t just about ticking tasks off your list; it’s also about making time for activities you enjoy. Schedule these moments into your day and be sure you’re taking breaks to refresh and recharge. A 30-minute walk across campus or near the campus area can do wonders for refreshing your brain, whether you’re studying about 206 bones of the body or the difference between a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest.

By incorporating these tools and tips into your routine, you’ll soon become a pro at organisation. This skill will not only benefit your student life but also set you up for success beyond your nursing program, equipping you with habits and strategies that will serve you well into the future.

And you’re off to a great start!

Feeling ready now that everything’s in order?

Keep this guide handy for those moments when things start to feel overwhelming.

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