November 24, 2016

How To Decide If Online Study Is Right For You

Worldwide students are choosing to study online and statistics show that it increases year by year across all areas in each country. This trend is yielding significant benefits not only to tertiary students but also to professionals who either aim to seek professional development or shift to a new career. As there are so many positive responses coming from the online learning market, many educators predict the steady growth of digital learning materials in the next few years.

Online learning has truly revolutionised the education industry. High school and college degree graduates, working professionals, business owners, and parents at home comprise of a large number of online learning students. But why do they prefer to study online? Here are the top reasons to help you decide whether online study is just the right fit for you.

1. Enjoy the Flexibility of Study and Personal Life Commitments

For most students, flexibility is the number one influencer on their list. They enjoy the advantage of being able to check their lessons, do their assessments, research, and interact with others in their class at their own pace and time. There is no need for any major adjustments whether they are working, taking care of their children, or running a business as they can definitely combine these with studying. Online learning according to them is easier to balance and convenient, which is why most are also able to complete their courses on time or even earlier.

2. Study When and Where it Suits Your Lifestyle

The convenience of studying anywhere at anytime is an advantage in itself. Students can basically launch a study session or a virtual classroom from a coffee shop, one’s own office pantry, a park, or at the comfort of his or her own home. The only requirement is a computer or a smart device and of course, a stable internet connection. There is no need to travel or drive, reducing any discomfort and stress that come from the vehicle commute in traffic.


3. Choose From a Range of Courses

The current success of online learning has encouraged many colleges and universities, even independent learning platforms and groups, to digitise traditional learning materials for courses and training programs. This has also prompted the need to make available a broad range of courses, allowing students to choose from diverse course areas and qualifications. They can now pick from formal degree courses to non-formal vocational courses or certificate programs in areas like business, accounting, community services, hospitality and social media marketing to just name a few.

4. Access to International Educational Institutions

Many top colleges and universities from around the globe have opened their doors to remote international students. Just imagine taking a course from a university in Europe or in Australia. The requirements are also less formal which makes it easier for students to enter an educational institution of their choice. Along with studying from a prestigious college or university is the opportunity to be mentored by world-class professors or subject matter experts.


5. Multi-language Options

Online learning programs are usually in English but some are also being converted in other languages to accommodate non-English speaking students. This is helpful for those who are still in the process of learning the language but want to advance in their chosen course through their chosen course provider.

6. Student Support Access

Many colleges and universities offer a student support program where a dedicated team of tutors and student support staff provide assistance to remote students. Services may range from giving advice to students about their studies, reminding them of upcoming assessments and deliverables, administrative matters, and more. Assistance may come in the form of phone calls, emails, and chat. Some find this benefit very motivating and helpful as they get extra aide for them to stay on track for them to be able to finally finish their course.


7. Keeping Up With Technology

Since computers are the main channel for online learning, students develop the capability to operate various software and to get around many platforms through which a course is being delivered. The courses are also usually designed to make students utilise other computer programs to look for more resources online. You will soon discover that you’ll be keeping up-to-date with new technologies, trends and tools in this ever-changing digital field.

8. Career Networking Opportunities

Studying online enables you to broaden your professional network on a whole new global platform. Online courses are designed for students to group, collaborate on projects together, and frequently interact via online chat, forums, live class sessions and email. You will even get the opportunity to connect with students from different cities and cultures around the world. Being able to grow a diverse network with professionals in your chosen field creates an opportune moment to gain career advice and counselling.


Are you looking for a course that will help you launch your dream career? View our full course list here. You can also call 1300 236 364 to speak with any of our career consultants.

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