CRICOS Course Code: 111659M

FNS60222 Advanced Diploma of Accounting

Course Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in accounting and seeking professional recognition, including tax agents, accounts managers and business analysts; and to employees performing a range of accounts management tasks for organisations in a range of industries. At this level individuals are expected to apply theoretical and technical skills in a range of situations and to display initiative and judgement in planning activities. They have autonomy in performing complex operations and can be responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating the work of others within broad parameters.

Work functions in the occupational areas where this qualification may be used are subject to regulatory requirements. Refer to the relevant regulator for specific guidance on requirements.

This qualification includes units that comprise an approved Tax Practitioner Board (TPB) course in Australian taxation law and commercial law, which are relevant for registration as a tax agent. Persons seeking registration with the TPB should check current registration requirements with the TPB, as registration requirements are reviewed regularly.



Possible Career Outcomes

  • Accounts manager
  • Business analyst
  • Office manager
  • Payroll manager

This course only available to International Students

Course at a Glance

  • Duration

    52 Weeks
  • Start Date

    Various intake and start dates available. Contact us for more information.
  • Study Mode

    Blended (Predominately
    Face-to-Face and Online)
  • Study Location

    New South WalesQueensland
  • Campus Location


Entry Requirements

Students must meet the following requirements and prerequisite to enter this course. Students must be of 18 years of age at the time of course commencement.

Students must have completed at least an Australian year 11 or equivalent.

Mature age students, who do not hold a qualification and wish to study with Queensford College, will be assessed based on their work experience.

English Language Proficiency

All students must undertake Queensford College’s Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital (LLND) skills assessment via online LLN Robot System.

Student must provide evidence of attaining an overall IELTS score of 6 bands or equivalent scores on a similar test (such as PTE etc) to commence a Certificate III Qualification or higher. OR

Student must have attained at least Advanced Level of English and must provide evidence of the same before commencing a Certificate III Qualification or higher.


English Language Requirements Exempted if

The student is enrolled in full-time school studies as a principal course including in a secondary exchange programme, a postgraduate research course, a standalone English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS), and Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored students. OR

The student has completed at least five years’ study in one or more of the following countries: Australia, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, or the Republic of Ireland. OR

If the student is a citizen and hold a passport from UK, USA, Canada, NZ or Republic of Ireland. OR

If student has in the last two years before applying for the student visa, had completed in Australia and in English Language, either Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or substantial component of a course leading to a qualification from the Australian Qualifications Framework at Certificate IV or higher level, while they held a student visa.

For more information on entry requirements, please visit:

Prior to commencing this qualification an individual must have completed the following qualifications (or equivalent).

FNS50222 Diploma of Accounting; or its superseded version FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting or equivalent, provided the listed elective unit BSBTEC402 Design and produce complex spreadsheets (or equivalent) has been completed by those seeking to enrol.

Students must also have undertaken the following pre-requisite units:

  • FNSACC526 Implement and maintain internal control procedures
  • FNSACC521 Provide financial and business performance information
  • FNSACC527 Provide management accounting information
  • FNSACC524 Prepare financial reports for corporate entities

Students will need to ensure they are able to connect to the internet and have the capability to use our online learning system that meets the minimum technical requirements, which are:

  • Access to a laptop/computer is preferred
  • An operating system supporting the following browsers (current version and up to three most recent versions): Chrome, Firefox, Safari (excluding Safari on Windows), and Microsoft Edge
    • For Windows: Windows 10, 4 Gb RAM installed (minimum)
    • FOR MAC: Mac OS X 10.13 or above
  • Access to Word processing software, such as Microsoft Word
  • Reliable internet connection

Course Overview

This qualification to be suitable for students who have interest in accounting.

Nationally recognised

  • Prepare and management of financial reports and manage financial systems
  • Ability to apply economic principles to work in the financial services industry and interpret and use financial statistic and tools
  • How to process financial transactions and extract interim reports and prepare tax documentation for individuals
  • Monitor corporate governance activities and evaluate organisations financial performance and risk
  • Develop and implement financial strategies to prepare and analyse management accounting information and corporate financial reports
Unit Code Unit Title Core/


FNSACC634 Monitor corporate governance activities Core
FNSINC611 Apply economic principles to work in the financial services industry Core
FNSINC612 Interpret and use financial statistic and tools Core
FNSACC602* Audit and report on financial systems and records Elective
FNSACC606* Conduct internal audit Elective
FNSACC608 Evaluate organisation’s financial performance Elective
FNSACC609* Evaluate financial risk Elective
FNSACC610* Develop and implement financial strategies Elective
FNSACC613* Prepare and analyse management accounting information Elective
FNSACC614* Prepare complex corporate financial reports Elective
FNSACC605 Implement organisational improvement programs Elective
FNSFMK515 Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice Elective
FNSORG602 Develop and manage financial systems Elective
FNSRSK612 Determine and manage risk exposure strategies Elective


Additional Information:

Unit in this qualification Prerequisite unit
FNSACC602* Audit and report on financial systems and records FNSACC526 Implement and maintain internal

control procedures

FNSACC606* Conduct internal audit FNSACC526 Implement and maintain internal control procedures
FNSACC609* Evaluate financial risk FNSACC521 Provide financial and business performance information
FNSACC610* Develop and implement financial strategies FNSACC521 Provide financial and business performance information
FNSACC613* Prepare and analyse management accounting information FNSACC527 Provide management accounting information
FNSACC614* Prepare complex corporate financial reports FNSACC524 Prepare financial reports for corporate entities


Learners must be deemed competent in the pre-requisite unit(s) of a unit prior to the determination of competency in the unit in this qualification.

The following provides a general overview of the evidence gathering techniques that will be used to assess each unit of competency. The Assessment Methods have been identified in the table below including information on the timing of assessment and any adjustments that may be utilised.


Knowledge questions

Questions e.g., true/false, multiple choice. Matching, drag and drop, ‘sequence of order’ list is required, or similar. These me be available in Moodle as a quiz.


Practical project/Observation

These Assessment Tools require students to complete practical tasks and written work related to the practical. Practical tasks vary and may require the Trainer/Assessor to complete an observation checklist observing skills of students, and/or students to complete templates and documents related to the practical tasks.

This tool may include but is not limited to the following:

  • short answer questions
  • roleplay involves student undertaking a role and addressing specific requirements – may include creating/updating documents to support the roleplay
  • presentation (where there are preparatory notes, slides, and the presentation itself)
  • completion of template to prepare specific documents and/or formal reports
  • lab activities including submitting evidence as a screenshot
  • case studies.


Observation/practical skills demonstration

Assessments which consist only of observations


Holistic assessment

Short answer questions which cover a range of units with common knowledge/skill areas.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a form of assessment that acknowledges skills and knowledge gained through formal training conducted by industry or education, work experience, and life experience to gain Nationally Recognised Qualification. Credit for previous studies is not recognition of prior learning.

Credit is producing evidence of units of competency/qualifications previously undertaken and successfully completed. Applications for Credit Transfer, must include units of competencies completed, duration of the course and evidence of completion (certificate and transcript or statements of attainment).

Learn more    Enquire now

Queensford College use industry current practices and methodologies to ensure the training program is relevant to industry while also meeting Training Package requirements. Our students have access to a team of reliable staff and trainers that are available throughout the course duration. For the duration of the course students will be supported with the following:

  • Student Services: for all administrative enquiries and on issues associated with general academic skills
  • Trainers: to answer any questions students may have about the course content, assessments and study progress
  • Help Desk: for any assistance on course materials and assessment submission through our online learning platform.

Fees and Funding Options

Queensford College has a number of options to allow you to select a payment method best suitable to your financial situation.

  • Upfront 100% Payment*

    Payment through your own pocket either by EFT or credit card (MasterCard or Visa).

    *Students are not required to paymore than 50% of the total tuition fees upfront before the commencement of the course that is more than 25 weeks. Upfront 100% payment is required for courses of 25 weeks or less.

  • Payment Plan

    Payment through convenient instalments weekly, fortnightly, monthly or per semester.

    Terms and conditions will apply, please contact our team for information.

    Contact Us
  • Direct Debit

    Payment through a Direct Debit: withdrawal of funds can be arranged and scheduled from your nominated bank account.

    Terms and conditions will apply, please contact our team for information.

    Contact Us

How to Apply

At Queensford College, we strive to make possible an easy, smooth, and efficient application process.

There are two ways to apply to study at Queensford College. You can either apply directly by filling out our application form and submitting to our International Department or through one of our approved international education agent. Our approved agents can guide you through the enrolment process and assist you with your visa application.

  • Student to Apply for Chosen Course

    Select from our range of courses on our website and fill the International Student Application Form

  • College Assesses and Verifies Applications

    Once we receive your application, we will assess your application against the requirements of the course and issue a conditional offer letter, which is followed by an interview with candidate and financial documents verification.

  • Student to Review, Process and Accept

    Review your letter of offer to ensure course fees, duration, payment plan etc. are stated correctly. Required payment of tuition fee. Return signed acceptance of offer.

  • College Issues eCOE

    Electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCOE) will be issued

  • Student to Apply for Australian Student Visa

    Apply for an Australian student visa at your nearest Australian Mission overseas.

  • Student to Plan their Departure and Arrival to Australia

    Once you have been accepted to study at an institution and have received confirmation of your student visa, the next step is to start planning for your arrival.

  • Student to Attend Orientation

    You must attend Orientation to get important information and advice to support your successful transition to study in Australia.

View International Admissions

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