April 30, 2024

Why Work Integrated Learning Works

Gone are the days when you could land a job with just a certificate and a keen attitude. Employers now seek graduates who possess not only academic knowledge but also practical experience and what’s often termed “21st century skills”.  


It’s no secret that gaining real work experience is crucial for entering the professional workforce. But how can you gain this experience while juggling classes, assessments, a part-time job, and still finding time for friends, family, and fun?   


This is where Work Integrated Learning comes in.  


At Queensford College, we offer numerous opportunities for students to gain practical experience during their studies. We ensure that our students are well-prepared to smoothly transition into the first job after graduating. Whether through internships, placements, or fieldwork experiences, our students gain valuable insights into their chosen fields, opening up abundant opportunities for their career paths.   

What exactly is Work Integrated Learning?

Work-integrated learning (WIL) is a type of experiential education integrated into the curriculum where students merge academic learning with practical experiences in a professional setting. WIL bridges the gap between classroom knowledge and real-world application.  


Research shows that 70% of Australian students who took part in WIL programs found it instrumental in securing full-time employment post-study and felt better prepared for the workforce.  


Numerous studies highlight the positive impact of genuine work-based participation in courses emphasising the role of WIL in enhancing graduate employability.  


At Queensford College, WIL plays a crucial role in enhancing students’ readiness for work and boosting their employability. By blending theoretical concepts taught in classrooms with practical applications, WIL programs ensure students develop essential work-ready skills.  

What are the benefits of Work Integrated Learning? 

Put classroom theory into action 

At Queensford College, we firmly believe in the synergy between learning and practical application. We connect our students with industry leaders to not just understand theoretical concepts but to put them into practice, fostering personal professional growth while gaining insights into their chosen fields.  


Transitioning from the classroom to a real workplace environment offers a refreshing perspective. WIL provides students with a holistic learning experience that goes beyond what can be learned solely in the classroom, resulting in genuine positive impacts. By enhancing the overall educational journey, WIL empowers students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in a real-world setting.  


Develop sense and awareness of workplace culture 

While some students may have a glimpse of the workplace through part-time jobs, others have yet to experience it fully. WIL offers a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in an industry they aspire to join post-graduation.  


One student shared, “Having work experience while studying helped me apply classroom concepts to real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding. It also instilled a sense of responsibility, making me realise the impact of every decision. Moreover, it underscored the importance of teamwork, showing its relevance in organisational dynamics.” 


WIL not only develops a sense of workplace culture but also provides invaluable insights into professional responsibilities and teamwork dynamics, enhancing students’ readiness for their future careers.  


Enhance soft skills and advance their theoretical knowledge  

“Learning by doing” is key to professional growth. WIL not only equips students with fundamental work competencies but also enhances a wide array of soft and technical skills that are essential in a professional environment.  


WIL facilitates the development of practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. This combination is invaluable, as it provides a well-rounded understanding that wouldn’t typically be attained solely through academic study.  


WIL empowers career decision-making  
Another significant advantage of WIL is its role in clarifying career aspirations and choices post-graduation. By immersing themselves in real work environments, students can better asses with career paths align with their interests and strengths. 


For instance, within the expansive Hospitality industry, there are specialised fields like Hotel Management, WIL offers students a genuine appreciation for their chosen area of work while also presenting opportunities to explore diverse roles they may not have previously considered. This firsthand experience broadens their perspectives and enhances their readiness for their future careers. 


Improve employment prospects  

Participating in WIL not only improves students’ resumes but also provides tangible experiences that can be added to their professional portfolios, making them stand out in the competitive job market. WIL acts as a bridge connecting students with potential employers and industry experts, paving the way for valuable job opportunities.  



Connect with the right people 

Research shows that over 66% of graduates establish professional networks through WIL, leading to improved job prospects. Additionally, 73% of WIL students gain a deeper understanding of various organisations and industries.  


Building industry connections is vital for career growth. Through WIL, students interact with a diverse range of individuals, from colleagues to clients, enriching their social and professional circles. This diversity not only broadens their perspectives but also fosters valuable discussions and encourages innovative thinking when tackling complex issues.  


By collaborating with colleagues, trainers, and clients, students develop a deeper appreciation for different perspectives and gain insights that go beyond traditional classroom learning, ultimately enhancing their readiness for the dynamic challenges of the workforce.  




At Queensford College, we partner with other industry partners to provide our students with top-notch industry experiences, offering placements, stimulated scenarios, events that align with their courses.  


We tailor our programs to include stimulated scenarios and vocational placements designed to equip students with essential skills needed post-graduation. These experiences aim to cultivate real-world capabilities crucial for success in their chosen career paths. 


WIL is a cornerstone of our programs, ensuring that all students gain transferrable skills highly sought after by employers. Upon completing their studies at Queensford, students can rest assured that they are well-prepared for the workforce and ready to excel from day one. 

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