Fees and Funding Options in South Australia

Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS)

Training for School Based Students

South Australian school students can sign up to a Training Guarantee while they are still at school. As part of their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), or equivalent senior secondary certificate, they can put themselves on a pathway to a job or trade.

The Training Guarantee for SACE students enables students to start training for their Certificate III pathway at school. They’ll earn credits towards their VET qualification and SACE (or equivalent), and complete work placement for on the job training.

TGSS is an initiative of the Government of South Australia Department of Industry and Skill.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Training Guarantee, you must be:

  • Either an Australian citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident, a New Zealand citizen living in South Australia, or an eligible Visa holder
  • Currently residing in South Australia
  • Attending a South Australia secondary school
  • 16 years or over, and
  • enrolled in SACE (or equivalent) at school and already completing, or have completed, VET or work placement that is related to your pathway.

Visit  www.skills.sa.gov.au for eligibility criteria or  click here.

Concession Eligibility

Students who hold any of the following concession cards at the time of their enrolment may be eligible to for a concession fee:
  • Hold a health care card
  • Hold a pensioner concession card
  • Hold a pensioner concession card issued by the Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Are a prison inmate, a detainee, on remand, held in a South Australian institution in connection with the commission of an offence, or a child in a South Australian detention centre older than 16 years.
Please note: Proof of eligibility for concession must be demonstrated at the time of enrolment. If the concession is valid for the full enrolment period, then all eligible units commenced within that period attract the concession rate. If the concession is valid for part of the enrolment period, then only eligible units commenced prior to the expiry of the concession attract the concession rate.

TGSS Approved Qualifications and Costs to the Participant

Course fees for TGSS Approved Certificate II qualifications are fully subsidised under the Government of South Australia’s WorkReady initiative. Students will need to pay some course fees towards Certificate III qualifications and pay incidental fees for personal items such as tools, clothing or other training materials and police check or DCSI clearance.

The following are TGSS approved qualifications. To check the criteria for the Subsidised Training List, please  click here.

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)

TGSS Subsided under WorkReady Funding
Fees for students who meet the eligibility criteria for TGSS Subsidy under WorkReady Funding
Participant Fee:$312.50, or
Concession Fee:$250
Check eligibility for concession
Fees for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for TGSS Subsidy under WorkReady Funding
Fee For Service Fees:$1,750*
*Indicative fee may/may not include enrolment and material fees; all fees are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change.
Incidental Fees
Associated fees for students to undertake before commencing vocational placement
National Police Check:$42
Please refer the South Australia Police website for fees associated the police check by clicking here.

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

TGSS Subsided under WorkReady Funding
Fees for students who meet the eligibility criteria for TGSS Subsidy under WorkReady Funding
Participant Fee:$402, or
Concession Fee:$250
Check eligibility for concession
Fees for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for TGSS Subsidy under WorkReady Funding
Fee For Service Fees:$2,500*
*Indicative fee may/may not include enrolment and material fees; all fees are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change.
Incidental Fees
Associated fees for students to undertake before commencing vocational placement
National Police Check:$59.40
For DSCI clearance associated fees, please check South Australia Government Department of Human Services Screening units by clicking here.

How to Apply

If students are already enrolled at school then they should firstly, speak to their school’s career counsellor or VET coordinator to ensure they meet all the eligibility criteria. Then secondly, the school and the Training Provider will draw up a formal Education and Training Plan with the students. The student’s parent/guardian will also need to agree to this.

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