May 5, 2017

5 Reasons To Kick Start A Career In Childcare

Being an early childhood educator or childcare worker is an extremely rewarding and fulfilling job. Playing a significant role in helping raise future leaders, doctors, engineers and teachers. You will be responsible for moulding young minds and shaping upcoming generations.

This qualification gives you the knowledge to perform work-supporting children’s wellbeing, learning and development in early learning centres and junior primary classes.  What’s more important than that?

If you’re passionate about enhancing and influencing the lives of young children then a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is the qualification for you!

Still need convincing?  Below are 5 reasons why you should quit umming and ahhing and enrol today!


1. The children

Imagine being able to walk into a room to be met with heaps of happy, smiley faces every morning! As an early childhood educator or childcare worker, you will be lucky enough to do just that!

Don’t spend 40 hours a week feeling miserable at a job that isn’t fulfilling. Give back to the community and help educate, raise and shape the lives of children in your local neighbourhood or community.

Many childcare workers say developing and sharing a unique special bond with children makes it a worthwhile career. A career as an early childhood educator is one of the most rewarding and heart-warming jobs out there.

2. Educating young minds

As an early childhood educator or childcare worker, you will be responsible for filling the minds of young children with important knowledge and life skills. This is a large responsibility; to the child, the parent and to the community.

Early childhood educator, Mary Harvey explains that although a child’s first year of school is filled with many marvellous moments, it is also an important time of social, emotional and intellectual development.

“The skills learned at this stage — knowing what sounds the letter A makes or adding 2 + 2 — may seem simple but they will set your child up for a lifetime of learning.

“Preschool may look like all fun and games (music, story time, dancing, art) but there’s an intense amount of brainwork going on.” She says.

“Young children learn through play and creative activity, so your pre-schooler’s building blocks and train tracks aren’t just entertaining; they’re teaching problem solving and physics.” Mary Harvey, What your child will learn in Pre School.

As an early childhood educator, helping young minds learn to read, write and spell, use good manners, and develop basic social and motor skills is incredibly satisfying.

3. Help raise the future

“It takes a whole village to raise a child” – African Proverb

What better way to spend your life than to help raise and support a child. Being responsible for the intellectual, emotional and social wellbeing of a child, childcare workers play a hand in the child’s overall personal development. Personal development is of course about how a child comes to understand who they are what they can do. It is at this young age that children learn the skills they need to become actively involved in the world around them.

As a Childcare worker, you could play a vital role in sparking this imagination and self-confidence while fostering the child’s belief that they can do, and be anything they want when they grow up! As a support network for the child, you could work side by side with parents to create a supportive environment for the child to flourish in.

Ultimately, being a childcare worker is not just about watching and playing, it is about supervising and guiding children in the correct direction. It is about developing the next generation of leaders into patient, compassionate and understanding people who want to work together and create a better world.

Do you have what it takes?


4. You’ll keep active

Early childhood educators or childcare workers don’t spend their days sitting at a desk in a quiet office space, sipping tea. Instead they are up and about on their feet, breaking a sweat, supervising children and overseeing activities on the playground, at the art table, on the mat, in the silent reading section or on the oval.

If you decide to kick start your career in childcare you can expect to keep active during the work day and increase your fitness level!

According to Fitness Blender, people in jobs with moderate activity like teachers or childcare workers, can expect to take over 920 steps an hour! This adds up to a minimum of 7,360 steps a day, just short of the recommended 10,000 you’re supposed to hit! Fitness Blender, Calories Burned by Occupation.

Calorie wise? Childcare workers can expect to burn more than 127 calories an hour and over 1020 throughout the full working day.

5. Be your own boss

A qualification in Early Childhood Education and Care can help you launch your own Family Day Care business! If you have ever been interested in combining your own children’s childcare and running your own business from home, then a Family Day Care is something you should look into.

Essentially, a Family Day Care owner is someone who provides approved childcare services from the comfort of their own home. They have the same responsibilities of that of a regular child care worker including; maintaining a program detailing a schedule of daily activities, meal plans, actions for dealing with disciplinary issues and an emergency evacuation plan that aligns with the National Quality Framework (NQF).

By undertaking a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care you to could get qualified and learn both the practical and theoretical skills to run your own day care centre.



Join Australia’s fastest growing industry today! Start your journey to become a qualified early childhood educator by  speaking to a Course Advisor, call us on 1300 236 364 or email us at info@queensford.edu.au

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